Perfect Pig

Perfect Pig

I was inspired to create OverMedium one day on a beach trip with the bros.  We woke up one morning and a few of us decided to go to brunch at a local restaurant.  The place is called Perfect Pig Grill and Fish House.  The menu was mouthwatering: fresh grouper omelets, shrimp and grits and simple breakfast skillets.  I went for the classic breakfast skillet with cheese grits, bacon, biscuit, gravy, homemade apple butter and of course eggs.  With any breakfast skillet, you must order them over- something and I prefer medium.  The yolk is still a little runny but thicker and more set up than easy.  It is the best way to eat a breakfast skillet!  Flavor, ambiance and aroma were all there.  The waitress brought out this huge skillet with two thick cut portions of bacon, a softball sized biscuit, fresh off the block cheddar on stone ground grits, some of the best apple butter I’ve ever tasted, thick homemade gravy like my grandma would make and to finish it off, 2 eggs.  Everything was set up just waiting for someone to dig in.  After throwing some pepper on my eggs, I began to cut into them only to find them under cooked, unfortunately.  OverMedium takes time to master.  Even though the slip up, I would definitely return for any meal and highly recommend this place to everyone.  Oh, and trust me, it is worth the wait!  Overall, I would have to give this restaurant 3 eggs out of 5.